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Week 8

“All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”1 Peter 5:5-7

  1. Do you have humble pie moment like Michael’s mechanical bull story or a time you had to eat humble pie? What happened? How did it make you feel?
  1. What does this passage reveal about God? About us as humans? About you?
  1. Do you agree that we can choose to “put on” humility? Why or why not?
  1. What would putting on humility look like for you in your daily life? With your family? Your co-workers? Strangers?
  1. Which posture (white knuckling, clenched fists, open palms) best describes your posture today? Most often? What might that mean?
  1. To end your time, pray this prayer out loud together as a group:

“Lord, we choose to humble ourselves today. Help us to put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We need you Lord. Amen!”

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