“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
- Matthew 5:9
Parkview’s Peacemakers Fund exists to support people within our church community who are taking steps into peacemaking – advancing God’s Kingdom on earth by actively loving our neighbor, and oftentimes, heading straight into the most broken places of our world today.
Specifically, the Peacemakers Fund provides financial grants to individuals advancing peacemaking and reconciliation through cross-cultural trips and experiences and individuals advancing peacemaking through adoption and foster care.
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We believe the Church has a vital role to play in addressing the immense need for fostering and adoptive families in our community and around the world.
Through a partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, Parkview is able to award financial grants to families welcoming children through adoption with grants varying in size and design based on individual situations.
When welcoming children through fostering, the Peacemakers Fund allows for Parkview to offer a package of financial and material support based on the needs of incoming kids.
We recognize the adventure of caring for kids from tough places is…tough. It can be financially costly, as well as taxing in a variety of other ways. The Peacemakers Fund is just one way we’re able to express our intention to support you as you begin this journey. It also serves as a gateway for us to sit down with you over a cup of coffee, hear your story, and discover additional ways we might actively support your growing family.
Are you considering or actively pursuing foster care or adoption?
We’d love to connect with you about next steps with our Peacemakers Fund.
Reach out to Alison at alison@parkview.cc.
We believe cross cultural experiences are key in helping develop peacemakers. Whether we travel to the Middle East or engage with people from different cultures in our own communities, we should constantly be striving to better understand the world around us and the role we can play in bringing peace to a hurting world. The Peacemakers Fund makes resources available for those that wish to embrace diversity and take seriously the call of Jesus to be peacemakers in a world full of conflict.
Currently, Parkview offers occasional trips with an organization called Telos. Telos curates experiences in Israel/Palestine and the American South to form communities of peacemakers across lines of difference, and equip them to help reconcile seemingly intractable conflicts at home and abroad. Historically, participants in a Telos trip have benefited tremendously from the perspective gained and tools acquired from their experience. The Peacemakers Fund can be used to help offset the cost of a trip and create a culture of peacemaking as people return from their experience. In the future, we hope to offer more opportunities to engage with cross-cultural experiences through our partners and other organizations that share our same vision around peacemaking.
In addition to a Telos trip, the Peacemakers Fund can also be utilized for individuals who are interested in creating or joining a cross-cultural experience apart from Parkview. These are trips or activities that increase your understanding and empathy of those different from you and equip you to better love a hurting world.

Are you interested in a Telos trip or joining/creating your own experience?
Email Andy at andy@parkview.cc for details on how to receive support from the Peacemakers Fund.