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Local + Global Strategy
Parkview’s global and local partnerships help us grow in our awareness, engagement, and investment in the world around us.
Our partners provide us unique opportunities to expand our knowledge of issues and conversations happening in our backyard as well as around the world. When we grow in our awareness of the world, we start to develop empathy, compassion, and humility towards others.
While awareness is the first step, our partners also provide us opportunities to engage in their work through events, service projects, trips, and other initiatives. When we engage with our partners, our hearts and resources start to align and we deepen our commitment to loving others.
This step is a “full jump” into the conversation. Just like any other investment, to invest in the global community requires a shifting of priorities, a rearrangement of schedules, and a redistribution of energy and resources. Investment opportunities cannot be entered into flippantly and are a reflection of a genuine desire to better understand and love the world.
Meet Parkview's Partners
Visit our directory to meet our Local + Global Partners
Do you have questions about who we support as a church community or wonder who our partnerships are?
Get all the details by visiting the Ministry Partner Directory.
Help students in Villa Park succeed through mentorship, tutoring, and after school programs.
Upcoming Events
Don’t miss out on all the fun! Find a Parkview event that is perfect for you and for the WHOLE family. See more upcoming events below.
Your Donations Make a Difference
We are always seeking new ways to support our ministry partners. Whether it is through
resources, time, or our a money donation, we can make a difference together.