Who We Are
Parkview is a community of people who follow Jesus, believe his teachings, and embrace a Christianity that embodies…
Relationship over Religion
Grace over Guilt.
Because it’s God’s unmerited favor not human effort that saves us, we are no longer bound by guilt, but we are freed and formed by grace. [John 1:17, Ephesians 2:8-9]
Compassion over Complacency
Because God actively demonstrated his love toward us in our sin and brokenness, we are moved by love to actively care for and serve others. [Matthew 5:43-44, Luke 10:25-37]
Unity over Uniformity
Because the kingdom of God includes people from every race, language, and culture, we are united in Jesus celebrating and cultivating our diversity. [Matthew 28:19, Revelation 7:9]
Curiosity over Certainty
Because God is infinite and beyond full comprehension, in humility we are spiritually honest about our questions in seeking after God. [Matthew 7:7, Job 26:36]
Parkview holds to core distinctives of historic Christianity.