Week 2
Thou Shall Not Be a Jerk
How do we interact and encourage others who may think differently?
Watch Week 2 of The American Dream series and learn how you can approach this election.

Meet Our Guest Speaker Eugene Cho
Rev. Eugene Cho’s many passions involve leadership, justice, the whole Gospel, and the pursuit of God’s Kingdom here on this earth. He travels throughout the world to encourage churches and many other organizations. He is the President/CEO of Bread for the World and Bread Institute, a prominent non-partisan Christian advocacy organization urging both national and global decision makers to help end hunger, and founder of One Day’s Wages, a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty.
Group Discussion
We encourage you not to go through this election alone. Connect with others, listen, and find solid ground by using our weekly discussion guides.
Download a Portion of the Book
According to Eugene Cho, Christians should never profess blind loyalty to a party. Any party. But they should engage with politics, because politics inform policies which impact people.
Buy The Book
If you want to read more than just the resource listed above, you can purchase your own copy here!
Election Survival Guide
How do you respond to what others are saying right now? See how to care for others and yourself this election season through a Kingdom lens.