Wonderful = full of wonder
Counsel = wisdom
When Jesus came, he was a wonder. He still is a wonder. He transcends human understanding. He is unique. He stands supreme above everyone else. His name is wonderful because he is wonderful.
Jesus is not only wonderful but He is Wonderful Counselor. Isaiah was not predicting that Jesus would be the world’s best therapist. The counsel promised here is God’s wisdom. Jesus reveals the mind of God. He counsels us from God’s perspective. He gives us God’s council, God’s wisdom.
How is your sense of wonder at who Jesus is? Are you in need of true wisdom?
As you consider this art, ask God to reveal Himself and fill you with His wonder & wisdom.
The mightiest act of all time was the result of the greatest humbling, the greatest condescension, of all time.
In order for God to be mighty and act decisively towards sin, he became a human. Jesus became a baby born in an obscure town with no fanfare, He lived a life of service, He experienced pain, sorrow, and ultimately a gruesome death–all so he could accomplish his mighty purpose. This is the great lesson of the incarnation: all of the might in the universe, laying in a manger surrounded by shepherds. Do you want to be mighty? Humble yourself. Do You want to be powerful? Serve others. Do you want to be great? Become less. This world looks at your bank account, how many employees are under you, your resume, the size of your firm, the awards on your wall, the success of your kids, the degrees you hold and from which universities. But what if before all of those accolades and accomplishments, which may very well be impressive for you, people knew of your might by your humility?
“It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.” Romans 8:1
Isaiah declares that this child to come would be named Eternal Father. Not only is He Father – intimate, loving, forgiving, healing Father – but He is and always will be father. Eternal. He will always be our Father and we will always be his children. He will never leave us and never forsake us.
Are you willing to be a child that responds to their perfect father in surrender? Trust? Obedience? Are you willing to be a child that delights in the freedom of living within the perfect boundaries & wisdom of your Father? Are we willing to give up, even renounce, our rebellious ways and live as faith-filled, dependent, well-loved children? Are you willing to turn in to Him, & let God lovingly parent you?
Christmas calls us to evaluate what we believe. Amid the holiday hoopla, it’s challenging to do that. Yet we need to find a moment to reflect. Consider this: in humanity’s search for peace Christianity offers what we’re all looking for. With it comes a spiritual security in which we, as broken rebellious human beings, can be sure of God’s love and acceptance resulting in lives of joyful confidence. Where religion is about human goodness, Christianity says your life is saved by God’s goodness alone. The arrival of Jesus demonstrates the reality of divine love and grace. Who he is and what he’s done offers us peace with God. When we embrace the Prince of Peace, the inner peace he brings, leads to outer peace equipping us to become peacemakers.
Wonderful = full of wonder
Counsel = wisdom
When Jesus came, he was a wonder. He still is a wonder. He transcends human understanding. He is unique. He stands supreme above everyone else. His name is wonderful because he is wonderful.
Jesus is not only wonderful but He is Wonderful Counselor. Isaiah was not predicting that Jesus would be the world’s best therapist. The counsel promised here is God’s wisdom. Jesus reveals the mind of God. He counsels us from God’s perspective. He gives us God’s council, God’s wisdom.
How is your sense of wonder at who Jesus is? Are you in need of true wisdom?
As you consider this art, ask God to reveal Himself and fill you with His wonder & wisdom.
The mightiest act of all time was the result of the greatest humbling, the greatest condescension, of all time.
In order for God to be mighty and act decisively towards sin, he became a human. Jesus became a baby born in an obscure town with no fanfare, He lived a life of service, He experienced pain, sorrow, and ultimately a gruesome death–all so he could accomplish his mighty purpose. This is the great lesson of the incarnation: all of the might in the universe, laying in a manger surrounded by shepherds. Do you want to be mighty? Humble yourself. Do You want to be powerful? Serve others. Do you want to be great? Become less. This world looks at your bank account, how many employees are under you, your resume, the size of your firm, the awards on your wall, the success of your kids, the degrees you hold and from which universities. But what if before all of those accolades and accomplishments, which may very well be impressive for you, people knew of your might by your humility?
“It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.” Romans 8:15
Isaiah declares that this child to come would be named Eternal Father. Not only is He Father – intimate, loving, forgiving, healing Father – but He is and always will be father. Eternal. He will always be our Father and we will always be his children. He will never leave us and never forsake us.
Are you willing to be a child that responds to their perfect father in surrender? Trust? Obedience? Are you willing to be a child that delights in the freedom of living within the perfect boundaries & wisdom of your Father? Are we willing to give up, even renounce, our rebellious ways and live as faith-filled, dependent, well-loved children? Are you willing to turn in to Him, & let God lovingly parent you?
Christmas calls us to evaluate what we believe. Amid the holiday hoopla, it’s challenging to do that. Yet we need to find a moment to reflect. Consider this: in humanity’s search for peace Christianity offers what we’re all looking for. With it comes a spiritual security in which we, as broken rebellious human beings, can be sure of God’s love and acceptance resulting in lives of joyful confidence. Where religion is about human goodness, Christianity says your life is saved by God’s goodness alone. The arrival of Jesus demonstrates the reality of divine love and grace. Who he is and what he’s done offers us peace with God. When we embrace the Prince of Peace, the inner peace he brings, leads to outer peace equipping us to become peacemakers.