When I Am Afraid
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Psalm 56:3 says “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”
David wrote this Psalm when he was in the middle of extremely difficult circumstances. After learning that King Saul had ordered his death, David fled to an enemy king. His reputation as a mighty warrior preceded him and it was quickly clear that this king also would gladly end his life! He acted insanely in his presence – scribbling on doors, & drooling on his beard. The King ordered him away and David fled to a cave. David had every reason to be afraid!
We find ourselves today in circumstances that we have never experienced nor been prepared for. The loss of freedom, work, & health for so many all at one time can feel overwhelming. The things we have tended to find comfort & security are being revealed as we walk through these uncharted waters. In this time, we can see more clearly that we often have two realities within us – both fear and faith.
David says “When I am afraid…” – not if, but when! Experiencing fear is part of being human, an actual chemical response in our nervous system when faced with a threat. So how do we as Christians find our way to faith & trust in God in the midst of that fear? Charles Spurgeon describes David’s fear this way “He feared, but that fear did not fill the whole area of his mind, for he adds, ‘I will trust in thee.’ It is possible then, for fear and faith to occupy the mind at the same moment.”
This describes how I have often felt in these days – a mix of both fear and faith occupying my mind at the very same time and I’m guessing the same is true for you as well. We have very little control over our current circumstances, but we always have control over how we respond to them. We can choose, like David, to say…
When I feel anxious…
When I feel angry…
When I feel overwhelmed…
When I feel worried…
When I lose my job…
When I have no work…
When I don’t know what to do…
….. I will trust in you.
We choose to trust in God because He is the One we truly can trust. He is the One who never changes – He is the same yesterday, today, & forever. He is the One who loves us, who provides for us, who has promised to never leave us. David goes on to say in verse 9 “…this I know, that God is for me.” God is for YOU. When you feel afraid, choose to put your trust in Him. I am praying that we would know today that He is for us.
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