Every year at this time, I look back and reflect on the previous year of ministry. I continue to be amazed by the grace and mercy of God.
If you have been around a while, you know June is the end of our fiscal year, and July marks the beginning of a new fiscal year. Let me first say THANK YOU for the big and small ways you have shown generosity this year.
This past month alone you donated over 1,000 books to kids in School District 45, over 420 of YOU ran or walked the World Vision Global 6K raising $35,889 to provide clean water to 718 people, and 112 of you served within four schools for a combined 243 hours of volunteer labor, valued at $6,179.49!
Seeing the impact of your generosity, as this fiscal year ends, I thought it might be helpful to share some financial details with you.

As you may recall, the approved 2018-2019 budget is $3,150,000. In January, we realized we would not likely hit that budget, so we scaled our budget back. As of June 5, the total income received is $2,803,215.
With less than a month left in our fiscal year, we are still a bit behind, but with your help, I believe we can catch up and start the new year strong! Please consider what you might give in these coming weeks to help close the gap. Follow this link to Parkview’s giving page for a quick and secure way to give.
On the expense side, the staff has done a remarkable job of keeping expenses in line with income. Our current expenses for the year are right around $2,700,000.

One of the many things I love about Parkview is we ask the entire congregation to approve the Ministry Operating Budget each year. This year we will vote to approve the budget on Sunday, June 23 during all three services. I have attached the proposed budget for you to review here and below.
I have learned, over the years, the way we present the budget is the right amount of detail for most, but not enough for others. We show the budget in this format because it is an accurate picture of how we allocate resources. However, as I do every year, I will be hosting two identical Budget Open Houses for anyone interested in greater detail to stop by and ask questions.
This year the Budget Open Houses are Thursday, June 20 from 6-8PM and Saturday, June 22 from 10-noon at Parkview. You are also more than welcome to email me directly with any questions you might have – dave@parkview.cc.

This past April marked my 10th year at Parkview. As I look ahead, I am more energized and excited about our future than at any point in my time here. We have some really exciting things to share with you this Fall.
Mark your calendars for September 8, which we are calling Vision Sunday. We will share some plans around where we believe God is leading us as a church. You aren’t going to want to miss this big day.
Thank you again for being such a fantastic church by allowing God to work in and through you.